Workers Compensation Investigation in Moorestown, NJ

This workers compensation investigation in Moorestown, NJ focuses on a woman who claimed injury to left knee and back resulting in knee pain and herniated T-8, T-9 and T-10 discs. Our objective was to determine her capabilities to see if she was in fact seriously injured in a way that would prevent her return to work. As you can see, she was clearly able to lift bowling balls without issue.
SUBJECT: Susan XXXX, of Moorestown, NJ 08057. Subject is a white female, approximately 5’3 250lbs. Subject drives a Silver Lincoln Navigator NJ Registration XXXXX and a Black Audi SUV NJ Registration XXXXX
CASE OBJECTIVE: Determine the activity of above listed subject. Subject is claiming injury to her left knee and herniated discs of T-8,9 and 10.
SURVEILLANCE: 12/26/16 | WEATHER: Cloudy 44 degrees
1026 AM: Investigator arrives at XX XXXX Rd. Moorestown, NJ 08057. Investigator observes a Two story single family home. The home is a brick front with black shutters and two car garage. There are two vehicles at the home. Both listed above. Investigator sets up stationary surveillance as the subject is not seen at this time.
12:04 PM Scene remains the same as above. There is no movement from the residence. Investigator continues stationary surveillance.
12:45 PM Female matching description of subject exits residence from garage with three kids. Kids are apparently the subject’s and are approximately between 16 and 9. One of the kids is known to have birth limitations. They all exit in the Black Audi. Mobile surveillance is initiated.
1:06 PM The vehicle arrives at a bowling alley on Rt. 73 in Maple Shade NJ. The subject drops the kids off at the door, parks the vehicle and exits. She is seen entering the bowling alley via the front door. She is wearing a long blue winter coat and black legging pants with sneakers. Investigator goes inside bowling alley and observes subject pick up a bowling ball but does not bowl.
2:20 PM Subject is then observed entering the bar/food area of the bowling alley. She is observed entering up steps while carrying a bowling ball bag on her shoulder. She appears to have no apparent limitations.
3:00 PM Subject and her children leave the bowling alley. The kids are now all carrying their bowling balls, place in vehicle and they all enter vehicle and exit scene. Investigator initiates mobile surveillance.